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Serving Northern Michigan

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Serving Northern Michigan

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Serving Northern Michigan

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Serving Northern Michigan

Parkinson's Network North (PNN)

PNN is dedicated to helping individuals and families living with Parkinson’s Disease with friendship, information, personal support and advocacy for a cure. We do this through a program of Support Groups and through social and educational events.

We Care, we Share, and we Listen. And we’re always looking for volunteers to share their time and talents.

PNN Support Groups

Traverse City Day Group: 
2nd Tuesdays, 1 pm
The Presbyterian Church
701 Westminster Rd, TC 

April 8 Topic:
"Parkinson's Awareness Month Celebration Lunch and Tai-Chi led by Ann Parker"

The Support Group will not meet if TCAPS has a weather cancellation on that day.

More information* ...

Need Help?

Parkinson’s Foundation
24/7 Line - 1-800-473-4636

Munson Healthcare “Ask a Nurse”
24/7 Line - 

Laurie Barnes, LPC
231-922-4688 (8-5 M-Fr)
Social Worker, GT County Commission on Aging
(60 & Older Residents of GT County)

Michigan Parkinson Foundation
Mentorship Program -

Upcoming Events

39th Annual Parkinson's Summer Forum

We look forward to seeing you in May for the 39th Annual Parkinson's Summer Forum!

May 22, 2025
2025 Summer Forum


Sharecare Memory Cafe

Sponsored by grants from Cherryland Cares, The Oleson Foundation, Michigan Health Endowment Fund and Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation. Sharecare's Memory Cafe is a welcoming social gathering for people living with memory loss and their family members, friends, neighbors, and caregivers. Our hope is to offer an inviting social setting where people living with dementia and their care partners can connect with other community members and enjoy time together. Sessions meet at ShareCare, 99 Fourth St., Suttons Bay.

January 28, February 25, March 25, and April 22 - 12:30-2:00 pm


Ageless Grace

Sponsored by Parkinson's Network North
Traverse City Senior Center, 801 E Front St. (Come see the new facility!)

Mondays, February 3 - March 24, 11:00 am




The latest Support Group Newsletter is available from a link in the pink note above.


In Their Words

The Parkinson’s support group has provided us with a wealth of valuable information, support, and friendship to help us with our Parkinson’s challenges.

PNN Support Group Member

Traverse City, MI

The shared stories of fellow Parkinsonians and their care partners through the Parkinson’s Network North Support Group and the excellent clinical information provided by the Group have made a significant contribution to our understanding of the disease and how to cope with it. 

Glen & Ellen Kirkpatrick

Kingsley, MI

We look forward to seeing you in May for the 39th Annual Parkinson's Summer Forum!

May 22, 2025
39th Annual Parkinson's Summer Forum

2025 Summer Forum

Sponsored by grants from Cherryland Cares, The Oleson Foundation, Michigan Health Endowment Fund and Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation. Sharecare's Memory Cafe is a welcoming social gathering for people living with memory loss and their family members, friends, neighbors, and caregivers. Our hope is to offer an inviting social setting where people living with dementia and their care partners can connect with other community members and enjoy time together. Sessions meet at ShareCare, 99 Fourth St., Suttons Bay.

January 28, February 25, March 25, and April 22 - 12:30-2:00 pm
Sharecare Memory Cafe

Sponsored by Parkinson's Network North
Traverse City Senior Center, 801 E Front St. (Come see the new facility!)

Mondays, February 3 - March 24, 11:00 am


Ageless Grace

The latest Support Group Newsletter is available from a link in the pink note above.


Your Age; Your Meds; Your Eyes!

Susan Brinklow, MSW, from The Lighthouse Rehab Center will present “Live Your Best Life with Humor & Love” – finding levity in our daily interactions, challenges and frustrations … a perfect topic for Valentine’s Week! How humor and laughter actually physiologically help us cope. Finding new ways to connect (including how intimacy changes and acknowledging the grief.) “While caring for a loved one with a chronic health condition is a serious endeavor, remembering to laugh and interject humor into our daily lives benefits both the patient and caregiver.”

February 11, 2025
Live Your Best Life with Humor & Love

Elizabeth Muoio, PharmD, Munson Medication Therapy Management Program, will present a program focusing on the common and not so common medications used by persons with PD.  Medication timing; poor response to a particular dose of a med; taking PD meds with other medications, both prescribed and OTC; contraindications to any common vaccinations will be explored. 

March 11, 2025


Managing Your Many Medications