Remembering Hettie Molvang

Our dear friend Hettie Molvang passed from this life on June 21st, 2024, after a lifetime of dedicated and varied community service. Our Hettie served Parkinson’s Network North for nearly 30 years. One day, she went to a Parkinson’s Support Group meeting. A few weeks later, she was teaching an NMC class when (PNN founder) Maxine Meach phoned and announced in no-uncertain terms “You belong here!” You don’t ignore a command from Maxine; but neither do you walk out of your own class. Fast-forward: Hettie became PNN’s Executive Director, Support Group Facilitator and one-on-one Counselor Extraordinaire for countless “Parkies” and their care-partners.

She was a nationally and internationally recognized Parkinson’s researcher and an expert Parkinson’s witness for Congressional hearings in DC. With reading, searching the internet and constant contact with her PD research partners, Hettie kept right up to date with treatment developments – all of which she promptly shared with her beloved local Parky community. A key part of her Parkinson’s mission, as Hettie lived it, was to inspire - even cajole - Parkies to move, to sing out loud, to take their meds on time, to socialize and to keep moving - all to promote their best life.

It was after a lifetime of nursing that Hettie came to NorthWestern Michigan College in the mid-1970’s, where she became Professor of Clinical Nursing and taught the entire second-year program. She eventually became Nursing Department head. By the time Hettie retired from the College, NMC Nursing was graduating 72 per class – up from 5! At the time of her passing, Hettie was a Professor Emeritus, Fellow, and Trustee at NMC. Always advocating for local seniors, Hettie served actively on several local boards.

Hettie was always busy, performing all these labors of love with boundless energy, dedication, passion, and compassion for decades. She was still doing it - for hours each week right to her very last day.

While the local Parkinson’s community has lost a great leader and mentor, her inspiration remains with Parkinson’s Network North to continue her mission.

Rest in peace, Hettie!