Presented by the Michigan Parkinson Foundation and Parkinson's Network North

Parkinson's Summer Forum 2025                     Register Now!

Registration ends Monday, 05/12/2025 11:59pm EDT

About This Event

We invite you to the 2025 Parkinson’s Summer Forum, an educational event designed for individuals living with Parkinson’s and their care partners. This special gathering aims to provide hope, knowledge, and practical strategies to navigate the Parkinson’s journey with confidence.

Featured Speakers & Topics:
Dr. Coleman  Sleep and Parkinson’s: Learn how Parkinson’s affects sleep and discover strategies to improve rest and overall well-being.
Dr. Ellenbogen  Essential Updates in Parkinson’s Advancements: Stay informed about the latest breakthroughs in Parkinson’s research, treatments, and emerging therapies.

Whether you are newly diagnosed, a longtime advocate, or a dedicated care partner, this forum offers an opportunity to connect, learn, and feel empowered with the latest information and support.



Morning Session

8:45: Registration, Resource Fair, Coffee Bar

(Sponsor exhibits open)

10:00: Welcome, and Forum Essentials:

Kristin Rossi, CEO Michigan Parkinson Foundation

Amy Shamroe, Mayor of Traverse City

10:10: Hettie Tribute

PNN, Old Town Playhouse 

10:20: Exercise Break-LSVT Loud

10:30: Featured Presentation:

Dr. Ross Coleman, MD, "Sleep Is The Best Medicine"

11:20: Break-Please Visit Sponsor Tables

Fresh Fruit Break

11:50: Questions for Dr. Coleman

12:00: Exercise Break-Scarves

Mario Palomino, PT, DPT Palomino Physical Therapy

12:10: Torrey Davenport, Northern Michigan Programs Manager,

Michigan Parkinson Foundation, “Northern Michigan Happenings”

12:30: Buffet lunch served

 (Assistance is available)


Afternoon Session

1:15: Dr. Aaron Ellenbogen, MD

“Looking Ahead: A View of the Pipeline in Parkinson's Disease" 

1:45: Exercise Break - Blaze Pods

Kaitlyn Malaski, PT, DPT Mindset Physical Therapy

1:55: Program wrap-up

Torrey Davenport, Northern Michigan Programs Manager 

2:00: Program concludes


Getting There

Hagerty Center At Northwestern Michigan College
715 E Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686

Platinum Sponsor

CK Logo Final 2023 JPG (2).jpg

Gold Sponsors



